- 2020/04/07
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Bank of Japan Accounts (March 31) - 2020/04/07
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Bank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Mar.) - 2020/04/07
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Market Operations by the Bank of Japan (Mar.) - 2020/04/07
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Monetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Mar.) - 2020/04/03
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Sources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Apr.) - 2020/04/02
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Collateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Mar.) - 2020/04/02
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Japanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan - 2020/04/02
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
T-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan - 2020/04/01
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Average Interest Rates by Type of Deposit - 2020/03/31
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Bilateral Local Currency Swap Agreement with the Bank of Thailand - 2020/03/31
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Establishment of "Amount of Cash Collateral for Lending of ETFs" - 2020/03/31
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Monthly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (April 2020) - 2020/03/31
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Outline of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Securities - 2020/03/31
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Schedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (April-May 2020) - 2020/03/31
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Thirteenth Meeting of the Cross-Industry Committee on Japanese Yen Interest Rate Benchmarks (by written resolution) - 2020/03/31
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Timetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (April-June 2020) - 2020/03/31
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Payment and Settlement Statistics (Feb.) - 2020/03/31
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Feb.) - 2020/03/31
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Average Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Feb.) - 2020/03/30
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Confirmation of Eligible Standards for Criteria for Current Account Transactions in View of the Growing Impact of COVID-19