- 2023/02/28
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Speech by Deputy Governor WAKATABE at the CJEB, Columbia University on Feb. 27, 2023 (Seven Reflections on Japan's Economy, Monetary Policy, and the Bank of Japan) - 2023/02/27
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
(IMES Newsletter) BOJ-IMES Special Trialogue 'Research at Central Banks' (series 1) - 2023/02/24
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Loan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Support Strengthening the Foundations for Economic Growth - 2023/02/24
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Dec.) - 2023/02/22
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Japanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan - 2023/02/22
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
T-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan - 2023/02/22
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Announcement on the Conduct of Funds-Supplying Operations against Pooled Collateral - 2023/02/22
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Bank of Japan Accounts (February 20) - 2023/02/22
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Services Producer Price Index (Jan.) - 2023/02/20
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Each Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (December 2022) - 2023/02/20
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Summary of the "Meeting on Market Operations" (February 2023) - 2023/02/17
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
(Research Paper) Analysis of the Transmission of Carbon Tax using a Multi-Sector Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model - 2023/02/17
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Commencement of Central Bank Digital Currency Experiments: Pilot Program - 2023/02/17
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Opening Remarks by Executive Director UCHIDA at the Fifth Meeting of the Liaison and Coordination Committee on Central Bank Digital Currency (Taking the Next Step) (via webcast) - 2023/02/16
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Market Operations for Three On-the-Run Issues of 10-year Japanese Government Bonds - 2023/02/14
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Japanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan - 2023/02/14
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
T-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan - 2023/02/14
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Bank of Japan Accounts (February 10) - 2023/02/10
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Basic Figures on Fails (Jan.) - 2023/02/10
- 【Banks】(Bank of Japan)
Announcement on the Conduct of Funds-Supplying Operations against Pooled Collateral