- 2020/04/23
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Pandemics: Time Dimension and Uncertainty - 2020/04/23
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Collective Action in a Fragmented World - 2020/04/22
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
COVID-19, teleworking, and productivity - 2020/04/21
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
The Propagation of Economic Impacts through Supply Chains: The Case of a Mega-city Lockdown to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 - 2020/04/20
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Heterogeneous Treatment Effects of Place-based Policies: Which Cities Should be Targeted? - 2020/04/20
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Phase One of the US-China Economic and Trade Agreement Realized Through Chinese Concessions—Expanding Imports into China from the US Alone Will Not End the Trade War - 2020/04/17
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Justice and transparency are prerequisites for rational decision-making in governance, but these prerequisites are fading and must be restored - 2020/04/17
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
The Effects of Cognitive and Noncognitive Abilities on Wages in Japan - 2020/04/17
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Location choice and sales patterns of Japanese foreign affiliates - 2020/04/17
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Non-traditional Monetary Policy and The Future of The Financial Industries - 2020/04/17
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
The coronavirus crisis calls for novel economic policy solutions - 2020/04/16
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
The Effect of Labor Regulation on Technology Use and Productivity of Japanese Companies - 2020/04/16
- 【Economy】(Asia Pacific Institute of Research)
The number of foreign visitors and visit ratio by prefecture February report - 2020/04/16
- 【Economy】(Asia Pacific Institute of Research)
The number of foreign visitors and visit ratio by prefecture January report - 2020/04/15
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Gender Differences in Campaigning under Alternative Voting Systems: Evidence from a Quantitative Text Analysis of Election Manifestos in Japan - 2020/04/15
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Transfer Pricing Regulation and Tax Competition - 2020/04/15
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Declining Demand and Product Quality: An Empirical Study of the Japanese PC Monitor Market - 2020/04/13
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Heterogenous Job Separations and the Balassa-Samuelson Effect - 2020/04/10
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
A Structural Estimation of the Disutility of Commuting - 2020/04/10
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Can IT Service Enhance the Productivity of Japanese Firms? - Cloud Computing, CIO, and Japanese Firms' Performance -