- 2024/05/17
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Literature Review of Cultural Heritage Economics - Focus on theoretical research of built heritage - - 2024/05/14
- 【Economy】(Asia Pacific Institute of Research)
Japanese Economy Monthly Forecast (April 2024) - 2024/05/13
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Analyzing Childcare Quality: Impacts on child development and parental mental health, and effectiveness of professional development - 2024/05/13
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Mexico and Brazil - Trading Up? - 2024/05/13
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Not a ‘side dish’: New industrial policy and competition - 2024/05/13
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
The Return to Overseas Visits by Political Leaders: Evidence from Japanese yen loan procurement auctions - 2024/05/10
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Intelligent Unilateralism is the Right Response to Geopolitical Rivalry - 2024/05/10
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
The impact of exchange rates on Japan’s machinery exports since 1990 - 2024/05/09
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Academic Achievement and Happiness - 2024/05/08
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Japan's Economic Policy: How to overcome the Lost 30 Years - 2024/05/08
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Macroeconomic Dynamics: Understanding the origins of business cycles - 2024/05/08
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Trends in the Energy Policy of the Republic of South Africa - carbon neutrality, the power sector, and hydrogen - - 2024/05/07
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Nonlinear Relationship between the Number of Children and Late-life Cognition - 2024/04/26
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
World Economic Outlook “Steady but Slow: Resilience amid divergence” - 2024/04/26
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Cascades of tax policy through production networks: Evidence from Japan - 2024/04/26
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Future of Global Trade Order and Economic Security (Handouts and Video) - 2024/04/26
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Peer Effects in Human Capital Investment Decisions and Gender Differences - 2024/04/26
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Southeast Asia & Japan – The good, the bad & the ugly (Handout and Video) - 2024/04/25
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Investigating Japan’s Machinery and Equipment Exports after the Global Financial Crisis - 2024/04/24
- 【Economy】(Asia Pacific Institute of Research)
Kansai Economic Insight Monthly Vol. 132 (April 2024)