- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Analyses of Aggregate Fluctuations of Firm Networks Based on the Self-Organized Criticality Model and Control Theory
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Estimation of Aggregate Demand and Supply Shocks Using Commodity Transaction Data
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Exchange Rate Pass-through in Production Chains: Application of input-output analysis
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Fintech Overview
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Fiscal Cost of Quantitative Easing and Negative Interest Rate Policy by the Bank of Japan: Resolution method of a central bank with large negative equity
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】How do Hospitals Adopt Advanced Treatment Techniques? An assessment through the records of AMI patients in Japan
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Impacts of Oil Shocks on Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Variables: A multi-country analysis
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Inertia of the U.S. Dollar as a Key Currency through the Two Crises
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Keidanren, Consumption Tax, and the Lost Decade of the 1990s in Japan
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Multinationals and female employment: Japanese evidence
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Promoting Innovation in Small Markets: Evidence from the market for rare and intractable diseases
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Role of Public Research Institutes in National Innovation Systems in Industrialized Countries: The cases of Fraunhofer, NIST, CSIRO, AIST, and ITRI
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Stronger Growth Remains Elusive: Urgent policy response is needed
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Sustainable Growth of the Japanese Economy: Evidence-Based Policy Recommendations
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Talks by Recipients of the Jiro Enjoji Memorial Prize and Nikkei Prize for Economics Books - Course for the Japanese Economy: Japanese labor market and foreign direct investment
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】The Effect of Industry and Occupational Experience on the Re-employment of Married Japanese Women
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】The International Use of the Renminbi: Evidence from Japanese firm-level data
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】The Telling of Japan's "Lost Decade": A comparison with the narration of the U.S. and EU crises
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Verification of Monetary Policy Effect through the Banking Sector: Empirical analysis using Japanese macro-level data
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Why Do People Overwork at the Risk of Impairing Mental Health?