- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Agglomeration Economies, Productivity, and Quality Upgrading
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】An Asymmetric Melitz Model of Trade and Growth
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】An Economic Perspective of Mental Health Problems
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】An econophysics perspective of trade liberalisation
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Are Seminars on Export Promotion Effective? Evidence from a randomized controlled trial
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Corporate Governance: The role of institutional investors will become crucial
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Dynamics of Integration in East Asian Equity Markets
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Endogenous Fluctuations and Social Welfare under Credit Constraints and Heterogeneous Beliefs
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Frontiers in Research on Trade Costs
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Frontiers in Research on Trade Costs (Handouts)
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Frontiers in Research on Trade Costs (Summary)
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Global Value Chain and the Competitiveness of Asian Countries
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Identifying and Decomposing Peer Effects on Participation Decisions Using a Randomized Controlled Trial
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Illusion of General Equilibrium
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Inbound Tourism Boom and Beyond: Travelers exploring everyday life in Japan
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Inbound Tourism Boom and Beyond: Travelers exploring everyday life in Japan
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Japanese Firms' International Competitiveness in the Electrical Machinery Industry in Decline: Further cost reduction and productivity boost are essential
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Japanese industrial cluster policy and inter-firm transaction networks
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】The Changing Landscape of Trade Negotiations
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】What Happened to Wage Inequality in Japan during the Last 25 Years? Evidence from the FFL decomposition method