- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】A Larger Country Sets a Lower Optimal Tariff
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Dynamic Benefits of Working in Large Cities: Evidence from Japanese matched employer–employee data
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Effects of Economic Crises on Employment and Productivity Dynamics in Japan
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Exports and FDI Entry Decision: Evidence from Japanese foreign-affiliated firms
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Factor Decomposition of Japan's Trade Balance
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Global Service Value Chain in Japan: Inbound tourism cases
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Health-Related Income Gaps and the Effectiveness of Redistributive Policies in Japan
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】How Do Financial Institutions and Other Management Supporters Contribute to the Improvement of Business Conditions of Small and Medium Enterprises? Based on the Survey on the Aftermath of the SME Financing Facilitation Act
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Indirect Trade in Regional Economies
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Information Constraint of the Patent Office and Examination Quality: Evidence from the effects of initiation lags
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Initiatives and Challenges for Social Implementation of AI Technology: Learning from AIST's AI projects
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Japanese Version of Concerted Cultivation Associated with Adaptation to Lower Secondary Education
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】On the Role of Skill, Quality, and Environmental Factors on Customer Behavior of the Beauty Industry
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Population Aging, Health Care, and Fiscal Policy Reform: The challenges for Japan
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Supply Chain Disruptions and Trade Credit
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】The Prospects of Achievement Tests to Measure the Cognitive Skills of School-aged Children: The role of achievement tests to implement evidence-based policy making in education
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】The Roles of Social Infrastructure and Deregulation on Productivity Improvement through Resource Reallocation in the Japanese Regional Economies
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Uncertainty over Production Forecasts: Analysis using micro time-series data from manufacturing firms
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】What Drives or Hinders Corporate Environmental Performance? Evidence from Japan
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Working Capital Management during Financial Crisis: Evidence from Japan