- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Autonomous Vehicles in Japan: Latent demand and social dilemma
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Global Sourcing and Domestic Production Networks
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Hitotsubashi-RIETI International Workshop on Real Estate and the Macro Economy
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Japanese plants' heterogeneity in sales, factor inputs, and participation in global value chains
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Japanese plants' heterogeneity in sales, factor inputs, and participation in global value chains
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Job Substitution≠Job Disappearance: Employment and education policies in the era of AI and robotics
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Labor Shortage Beginning to Erode the Quality of Services: Hidden inflation
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Let’s Conduct More Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) in Japan
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Lost Einsteins: How exposure to innovation influences who becomes an inventor
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】My Experience of Using the K Computer
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Negawatt Trading and Energy Efficiency in Adjustment Markets
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】New Ceiling on International Balance of Payments for Japan: Process innovation and cultivation of growth frontiers are necessary
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Outlook for the Chinese Economy in 2018
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Parental Leaves and Female Skill Utilization: Evidence from PIAAC
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Revitalization of the Hokuriku Region, Internationalization, and Innovation: How to incorporate global growth into the local economy
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Subsidies to Public Firms and Competition Modes under a Mixed Duopoly
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】The Effects of the Use of Information Technology on Markups in Japanese Manufacturing
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】The influence of occupational licensing and regulationOccupational licensing may raise wages and benefits for those licensed but also reduce access to work without clear benefits to consumers
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Toward the Promotion of Evidence-based Policymaking
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】White Collar Exemption: Panacea for long work hours and low earnings?