- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】A New Stage in the U.S.-China Economic Dispute: Focus shifting from trade imbalance to technology transfer
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】A genie in a bottle: Inflation, globalisation, and competition
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Bankruptcy Propagation on a Customer-supplier Network: An empirical analysis in Japan
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Do Voters Prefer Gender Stereotypic Candidates? Evidence from a conjoint survey experiment in Japan
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Employer-provided Training and Productivity: Evidence from a panel of Japanese firms
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Heterogeneous Labor and Agglomeration over Generations
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Identifying Neighborhood Effects among Firms: Evidence from location lotteries of the Tokyo Tsukiji fish market
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Intellectual Property Rights for Software and Accessibility to Venture Capitalists
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Points of Discussion Concerning the Strategic Energy Plan: Toward policy measures to take advantage of the market mechanism
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Preconditions for Innovation: Use of highly-skilled workers is the key
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Propagation of Shocks by Natural Disasters through Global Supply Chains
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】RIETI Visiting Fellow YAMAGUCHI Kazuo's Book Awarded the 10th Showa Women's University Prize for Women's Cultural Research
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Strategic Declaration of Standard Essential Patents
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】Technology Sourcing in New Product Development Projects: When and how to use external resources?
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】The Collapse of the US-China Grand Bargain
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】The Effect of Transportation Benefits on Health and Consumption among the Elderly: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Urban China
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】The Impact of Oil Prices on East and Southeast Asian Economies: Evidence from financial markets
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】The World Economy Against the Backdrop of Increased Trade Tensions
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】The World Economy Against the Backdrop of Increased Trade Tensions
- 2019/11/15
- 【Economy】White Paper on International Economy and Trade 2018 ― Significant shift in the global economy