- 2022/09/05
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Impact of Stay Abroad on Language Skill Development: Regression discontinuity evidence from Japanese university students - 2022/09/05
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
The Future of Japan and Singapore - 2022/09/05
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
The size of micro-originated fluctuations in the macroeconomy - 2022/09/05
- 【Economy】(Asia Pacific Institute of Research)
Japanese Economy: Analysis and Forecasts, No.139 - 2022/09/05
- 【Economy】(Asia Pacific Institute of Research)
Kansai Economic Insight Quarterly No.60 - 2022/09/02
- 【Economy】(Asia Pacific Institute of Research)
Japanese Economy Monthly Forecast (July 2022) - 2022/09/02
- 【Economy】(Asia Pacific Institute of Research)
Kansai Economic Insight Monthly Vol. 112 (August 2022) - 2022/09/02
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Resilient and Innovative Supply Chains: Evidence-based policy and managerial implications - 2022/09/02
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Analysis of Yen Depreciation: Taking a look in terms of industry-specific effective exchange rates and AMU deviation indicators - 2022/08/31
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Self-regulatory Resources and Institutional Formation: A first experimental test - 2022/08/31
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Japanese Firms' Markups and Firm-to-firm Transactions - 2022/08/30
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Does the Supply Network Shape the Firm Size Distribution? The Japanese case - 2022/08/30
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Analysis of Yen Depreciation: Taking a look in terms of industry-specific effective exchange rates and AMU deviation indicators - 2022/08/30
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Catching the Political Leader's Signals: Economic policy uncertainty and firm investment in China - 2022/08/29
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Empirical Analysis of the Codeshare Effect on Airline Market Competition and Product Quality - 2022/08/29
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Compliance Costs of Regulations and Firm Productivity - 2022/08/29
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Market-based Reform of Production Factors in China - 2022/08/29
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Productivity and Wages of Firms Using COVID-19-related Support Policies - 2022/08/29
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Transitional Safeguard Measures under the CPTPP - 2022/08/29
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Low Productivity and Shirking Behavior in the Workplace Are Prevalent among Workers Assigned with Undesired Tasks