- 2022/06/01
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
“New Direction” of Economic and Industrial Policies - 2022/06/01
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Local labour market effects of offshoring - 2022/05/31
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
New Thinking on Industrial Policy - 2022/05/31
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Cash-in-advance Payments and Transaction Size: Cash-constrained importers - 2022/05/27
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Focus of Economic Security: Excessive onshoring is weakening supply chains - 2022/05/27
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Impacts of firm global value chain participation on productivity: A case of Japanese manufacturing firms - 2022/05/25
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Firm Incubation through Business Group Affiliation: Acquisition and technology transaction - 2022/05/25
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Impacts of firm global value chain participation on productivity: A case of Japanese manufacturing firms - 2022/05/25
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Observation of Factor-price Ratio, Capital-labor Ratio and Capital Formation - 2022/05/23
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Measuring robot quality: Slowing improvement is a possibility - 2022/05/20
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Global supply chain risk and resilience - 2022/05/20
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
RIETI Vice President WATANABE Tetsuya will speak at the Think7 Summit - 2022/05/20
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Regulation on Market Distortion Caused by Government Data-sharing Policies: Applicability of WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures - 2022/05/20
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
The Dynamic Impact of Market Integration: Evidence from renewable energy expansion in Chile - 2022/05/18
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Parental Investment After Adverse Event: Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake - 2022/05/18
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Causal Effects of a Tax Incentive on SME Capital Investment - 2022/05/18
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Evaluation Bias Toward Rivals: Evidence from 360-degree feedback - 2022/05/18
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Nudges to Increase the Effectiveness of Environmental Education - 2022/05/18
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Value Creation in the Digital Age —The perspective of design-driven management