- 2024/07/29
- 【Economy】(Asia Pacific Institute of Research)
Kansai Economic Insight Monthly Vol. 133 (May 2024) - 2024/07/29
- 【Economy】(Asia Pacific Institute of Research)
Kansai Economic Insight Monthly Vol. 134 (June 2024) - 2024/07/26
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Economic Security and Geopolitics: Insights into Japan-Korea cooperation based on "Economic Security Indicators" - 2024/07/26
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
How Do Firms Respond to Supply Chain Disruptions? Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake - 2024/07/26
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Markups and Pass-through along the Supply Chains - 2024/07/25
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
The Indispensable Partner? India and the geopolitics of global trade - 2024/07/24
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Robots and Wage Polarization: The effects of robot capital by occupation - 2024/07/24
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Economic Insights: Will inflation really make Japan’s fiscal position more sound? - 2024/07/23
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
How Oil Prices Impact the Japanese Economy: Evidence from the stock market - 2024/07/23
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
How Oil Prices Impact the Japanese Economy: Evidence from the stock market - 2024/07/23
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
The return to overseas visits by political leaders: Evidence from Japanese yen loan procurement auctions - 2024/07/23
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Deepening of Evidence-Based Policy Making in the UK: Centred on the Evaluation Task Force - 2024/07/19
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Advancing Regional Economic Cooperation: Developments and perceptions in APEC - 2024/07/19
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
White Paper on International Economy and Trade 2024 - 2024/07/18
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Interview with new Chairman: Aiming for one of the highest levels of research in Asia with a priority on policy contribution - 2024/07/18
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Interview with the new President: Prospects for RIETI's Sixth Research Plan: Bridging research and policy - 2024/07/18
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Why Do Working Environment Improvement Measures Contribute Little to Female Labor Participation? - 2024/07/17
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Forecast Dispersion and Forecast Errors across Firms and Time - 2024/07/16
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Subtle Completed Fertility Recovery in Cohorts Who Entered the Labor Market during the Deep Recession in Japan - 2024/07/12
- 【Economy】(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry )
Future of Global Trade Order and Economic Security