- 2021/04/16
TOKYU REIT held the 10th general meeting of unitholders today and all items were resolved. Thank you very much for cooperation of exercise of your voting rights. TOKYU REIT aims to maximize unitholders' value and we appreciate your continuing support for TOKYU REIT. - 2021/04/15
Advertised Area on PM Companies' Websites at the end of March 2021 - 2021/04/15
- 【J-REIT】(Mitsubishi Estate Logistics REIT Investment Corporation)
Earnings Presentation Material for the Fiscal Period Ended February 28, 2021 - 2021/04/15
- 【J-REIT】(Mitsubishi Estate Logistics REIT Investment Corporation)
Financial Result Webcast for the Fiscal Period ended February 28, 2021 - 2021/04/15
- 【J-REIT】(Frontier Real Estate Investment Corporation)
Notice Concerning Execution and Repayment of Short-term Borrowing - 2021/04/15
- 【J-REIT】(Mitsubishi Estate Logistics REIT Investment Corporation)
Notice Concerning Resignation of Asset Management Company's Director - 2021/04/15
- 【J-REIT】(Mitsubishi Estate Logistics REIT Investment Corporation)
Notice Concerning the Election of Directors - 2021/04/15
- 【J-REIT】(Hankyu Hanshin REIT, Inc.)
Rating for Hankyu Hanshin REIT was announced by Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.(AA-) - 2021/04/15
- 【J-REIT】(Mitsubishi Estate Logistics REIT Investment Corporation)
Summary of Financial Results for the Fiscal Period Ended February 28, 2021 (REIT) - 2021/04/14
- 【J-REIT】(XYMAX REIT Investment Corporation)
(REIT) Financial Report for the Fiscal Period Ended February 2021 - 2021/04/14
- 【J-REIT】(Nomura Real Estate Master Fund, Inc.)
(Reference) SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL RESULTS (REIT) For the 11th Fiscal Period Ended February 28, 2021 - 2021/04/14
- 【J-REIT】(Hulic Reit, Inc.)
Amendments to Securities Registration Statements(Third-party allocation)(Japanese Only) - 2021/04/14
- 【J-REIT】(Japan Real Estate Investment Corporation)
Announcement of Debt Financing - 2021/04/14
- 【J-REIT】(Hulic Reit, Inc.)
Financial Report for the Fiscal Period Ended February 28, 2021 - 2021/04/14
Notice Concerning Acquisition and Leasing of Domestic Real Estate Trust Beneficiary Interests and Redemption of Preferred Shares of Nanko Property TMK - 2021/04/14
- 【J-REIT】(Nomura Real Estate Master Fund, Inc.)
Notice Concerning Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation and Election of Directors - 2021/04/14
Notice Concerning Issuance of New Investment Units and Secondary Offering of Investment Units - 2021/04/14
- 【J-REIT】(Hulic Reit, Inc.)
Notice Concerning Partial Amendment to Articles of Incorporation and Appointment of Officers - 2021/04/14
Notice Concerning Upward Revisions to the Forecasts for Financial Results and DPU for the Fiscal Period Ending August 31, 2021 and the Forecasts for Financial Results and DPU for the Fiscal Period Ending February 28, 2022 - 2021/04/14
- 【J-REIT】(Hulic Reit, Inc.)
Overview and Income/Loss of Lease Businesses for the fiscal period ended February 28, 2021