- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】"Capitalization and Unitholders" was updated.
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】"Q&A Session at Explanatory Meeting for Investors and Analysts for the Fiscal Period Ended July 2019 (FP 32) Held on September 13, 2019 (Summary)" has been attached
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】(Reference) R&I News Release (September 26, 2019)
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Announcement of Expected Change of Directors of Asset Management Company
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Information under Article23 (AIFMD) updated
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Acquisition of Asset (Silent Partnership Equity Interest) (Godo Kaisha NRT Growth 16)
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Borrowing of Funds (Determination of Interest Rate)
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Commitment Line Agreement
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Debt Financing (Interest Rate Determination) and Execution of Interest Rate Swap Agreement (Series 168)
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Debt Financing (Refinancing of the Existing Loans)
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Debt Financing Interest Rate
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Debt Financing Through Green Jointly Operated Specified Money Trust AEON Reit Green Trust)
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Establishment of Green Finance Framework
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Interest Rate on Loan and Execution of Interest Rate Swap Agreements
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning New Loans (Determination of Interest Rate) and Conclusion of Interest Rate Swap Contract
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning the Tenant of Sub Lessee (Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport SHIN-MISATO Annex)
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Notice concerning Waiver of Preferential Negotiation Right to Acquire a Property
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Notice of an Existing Loan (Change of Applied Interest Rate)
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Notification of Borrowing Funds
- 2019/09/27
- 【J-REIT】Semi-Annual Report for the twenty-eighth fiscal period ended May 2019 uploaded