- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】"Finance"was up dated.
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】"Finance"was up dated.
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】"IR Calendar" was updated.
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】"IR Calendar" was updated.
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Financial Report for the 23rd Fiscal Period
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Investors Presentation December 2015 financial results
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Expected Resignation of Director of Asset Management Company
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Issuance of Investment Corporation Bond
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Issuance of Investment Corporation Bond
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Issuance of Investment Corporation Bonds (Coupon)
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Issuance of Investment Corporation Bonds (Coupon)
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Obtainment of "Building Energy-efficiency Labeling System (BELS)" Assessment
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Personnel Reassignment of the Asset Management Company
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Personnel Reassignment of the Asset Management Company
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Short-term Borrowings Interest Rate
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Signing of Interest Rate Swap Agreement
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning the Amendment of Asset Management Guideline
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning the Amendment of Asset Management Guideline
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning the Execution of New Borrowing and the Conclusion of Interest Rate Swap Agreement
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning the Execution of New Borrowings and the Redemption of Investment Corporation Bonds