- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】 "Operating Performance" was updated
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】"Occupancy rate" was updated.
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】"Occupancy rate" was updated.
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Interim Securities Report for the Fiscal Period Ending August 2018(Japanese Only)
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Acquisition of DBJ Green Building Certification
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Amendment to the Forecasts of the Fiscal Period Ending July 2018 and the Fiscal Period Ending January 2019
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Amendment to the Forecasts of the Fiscal Period Ending July 2018 and the Fiscal Period Ending January 2019
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Borrowing of Funds
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning Monthly Disclosure for April 2018
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning the Current Status and Completion of Investment Units Buyback Program(Buybacks under the Provisions of Article 80-5 of the Act on Investment Trust and Investment Corporations)
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning the Current Status and Completion of Investment Units Buyback Program(Buybacks under the Provisions of Article 80-5 of the Act on Investment Trust and Investment Corporations)
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning the Partial Amendment of Asset Management Guideline
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice Concerning the Partial Amendment of Asset Management Guideline
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice of Resolution of the 2nd General Unitholders Meeting
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Notice of Resolution of the 6th General Unitholders Meeting
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Occupancy rates was updated.
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Presentation Materials for Financial Results for the 4th FP (ended February 28, 2018)
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Submission of Shelf Registration Statement for Investment Corporation Bonds
- 2019/05/25
- 【J-REIT】Updated:"Investor Relations-IR Calender"