Denuclearization by nuclear power Since the 2011 nuclear accident in Fukushima, abolition of nuclear power generation has been a big issue dividing public opinions. However, even if we… 2019-04-22 Noriyuki Morimoto The Fate of the Japan Atomic Power Company The Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC) is the entity that started the first commercial nuclear power generation in Japan with Tokai Power Station in 19… 2018-06-18 Noriyuki Morimoto Are Japan’s Power Companies Actually With Negative Equity? An asset is an asset because there is value in using it. If there is zero possibility for it to be used any more, it is no longer an asset but a lump … 2018-06-04 Noriyuki Morimoto Fukushima and the economics of the price of life Despite its unethical aspect, it is inevitable to take people’s lives into account when making economic calculations. If standards for some types of d… 2015-10-13 Noriyuki Morimoto