A Sad Little Tale in Pre-War Japan Denji Kuroshima is a now-forgotten writer who died during World War II. One of his notable short stories is The Two-Cent Coin (1925), a simple story i… 2017-12-18 Noriyuki Morimoto Japanese People Love to Gamble Whether or not casinos should be approved has been a political issue over many years. Gambling is illegal, so a special policy objective is needed to … 2017-12-04 Noriyuki Morimoto The disease of Japanese banks The Japanese have a way of assuming the other person’s intentions. Although this is no longer as prevalent as it had been in the past, it is deeply ro… 2017-11-20 Noriyuki Morimoto Which company is Nomura Holdings Going to Sell? Nomura Securities responded to the Financial Services Agency’s (FSA) policies and set out new management principles that strengthen control over confl… 2017-11-06 Noriyuki Morimoto Can Nomura Asset Management Let Go of Nomura’s Name? As a response to new policies set by the Financial Services Agency (FSA), Nomura Securities disclosed its new management principles. In it, the compan… 2017-10-23 Noriyuki Morimoto The Impact of Nomura’s Reform Announcement On April 14, Nomura Securities announced its new management principles regarding sales of investment trusts. It was a response to policies disclosed b… 2017-10-10 Noriyuki Morimoto Artist Takashi Murakami’s Management Strategy Takashi Murakami’s book “Art Entrepreneurship” (Gentosha) is a work of art in prose by a representative Japanese modern artist. I call it art because … 2017-09-25 Noriyuki Morimoto Entrepreneurship of the artist Takashi Murakami For the artist Takashi Murakami, the art market is a game structured by strict rules. Moreover, it is a game with a long history and depth which canno… 2017-09-11 Noriyuki Morimoto Wagyu, Manga, Nippon As English becomes a global language, it has to transform itself from the original form by obtaining new expressions and words from various other lang… 2017-08-28 Noriyuki Morimoto What’s Wrong with Japanglish? Globalization stands for the uniform rule of reason, as well as coexistence of diverse values: different values that respect, stimulate, incorporate, … 2017-08-14 Noriyuki Morimoto 123»