Don’t cut back on spending, invest in the future The government is encouraging working people to build up assets for a comfortable retirement. However, the contradiction of this policy is that, as lo… 2025-03-03 Noriyuki Morimoto From anxiety-based frugality to abundant consumption through asset formation The Financial Services Agency (FSA) encourages the working population to build assets for an abundant life in retirement. This is natural since consum… 2025-01-20 Noriyuki Morimoto The Role of Regulation in the Transition from Quantity to Quality On the one hand, with the infinite wisdom of mankind, new demands are born from the creation of new fields through technological innovation. On the ot… 2023-12-11 Noriyuki Morimoto Growth strategy through creation of non-economic values In many areas, what stimulates consumption is not the technological sophistication of a product's features, but something else entirely. Whatever it i… 2023-09-19 Noriyuki Morimoto The Paradox of Growth Strategy through Increased Regulation Even if science and technology have the potential for unlimited progress, in some areas, the cost of adding a step of progress will gradually increase… 2023-09-04 Noriyuki Morimoto The devil’s economic calculation in the name of regulation In the past, accidents were considered inevitable in major civil engineering projects, and a certain number of casualties would have been expected. An… 2021-06-21 Noriyuki Morimoto