Meaningless compliance is hurting productivity Aoto Fujitsuna, portrayed by the Edo period writer Ihara Saikaku, offered a large sum of money to a number of laborers to help find some coins he had … 2024-04-30 Noriyuki Morimoto Restoration of the Status Order and the Limits of Townsperson Culture in Saikaku The actions of Aoto Fujitsuna, as described by the Edo period writer Ihara Saikaku, could be seen as a precursor to Keynesian economic theory. Fujitsu… 2024-04-15 Noriyuki Morimoto Learning economics through a Story from the Edo Period The following story was written by Ihara Saikaku, a prominent writer of the Edo period: One autumn night in the Kamakura period, Aoto Fujitsuna, a … 2024-04-01 Noriyuki Morimoto