Finance in Asset-Light Management A company should hold only those assets that are necessary for the conduct of its business. Stocks of subsidiaries that have little relevance to the c… 2022-12-26 Noriyuki Morimoto Decisions made by the wise and approved by the ordinary As a principle of modern society, there can be no dictatorship of the wise, but only collective governance by ordinary people. The executive branch co… 2022-12-12 Noriyuki Morimoto When Ramen Goes Capitalist The ramen industry has established a firm position in Japanese food culture and is thriving. Its development has been supported by intense competition… 2022-11-28 Noriyuki Morimoto To the happy few People often talk about shifting values, or changing ways of thinking, but it is futile to strive to change. It is merely the case that someone somewh… 2022-11-14 Noriyuki Morimoto What is a bank? The basis of the risk appetite framework consists of the full execution of intentional risk-taking that defines the fundamental nature of the business… 2022-10-31 Noriyuki Morimoto Investment management should be likened to the work of a nutritionist In the investment management business, it is the client who selects an investment strategy, and investment managers compete with their investment skil… 2022-10-17 Noriyuki Morimoto Do not profit from the loss of others In the world of investment, there is talk about beating or losing to a market index. But the sum of winning and losing is theoretically zero as the di… 2022-10-03 Noriyuki Morimoto Customers are wary of bankers who ask questions If a banker wishes to sell mutual funds that truly meet the needs of customers, they would need to know facts such as the customers’ financial status … 2022-09-20 Noriyuki Morimoto Human Resources Becoming Bad Debts When a company decides how to treat its human resources, compensation can only be determined in advance, and performance can only be known afterwards.… 2022-09-05 Noriyuki Morimoto A group of ordinary people for wise leadership In politics, if there is truly such a thing as a wise leader, dictatorship of a wise leader should lead people to happiness; the collective rule of or… 2022-08-22 Noriyuki Morimoto 123»