Whatever happened to the window-side tribe One term that should be included in the Showa Dictionary of Dead Words is "window-side tribe.” This is a Japanese term for middle-aged or senior corpo… 2023-08-21 Noriyuki Morimoto Because creation is incidental The steps that lead to creation are established as creation when they are embraced by society. As those early steps, Stendhal wrote only “to the happy… 2023-04-03 Noriyuki Morimoto Creation is madness Creation cannot arise from the workings of the logical intellect. Intellectual activity only reveals what already exists within the whole in an analyt… 2023-02-06 Noriyuki Morimoto To the happy few People often talk about shifting values, or changing ways of thinking, but it is futile to strive to change. It is merely the case that someone somewh… 2022-11-14 Noriyuki Morimoto The Joy and Creation of Mere Mortals In the beginning, God created the perfect world at once, and that was the end of creation. The world is complete under the wisdom of God, and therefor… 2022-07-25 Noriyuki Morimoto «12