HC Picks Category: 01 Business

Electronics parts maker Murata Manufacturing expands India operations
Japan’s biggest banks prepare for massive downsizing and cost overhauls
Why American Cars Don't Do Well in Japan - It's not so much a technological difference as a cultural one
May look like an old economy, but it is true, distribution channels are very powerful in Japan.
Japan’s top two lavatory-makers are at last making inroads overseas
Two decades on, Japan's megabanks still a long way from profitability
Banking business model innovations are one of the hottest topics.
Power sales decline for Japan's top utilities amid market liberalization
Japan's SoftBank reconsiders merger of Sprint with T-Mobile - source
The new Japan Taxi from Toyota wants to be an international icon
Small Japanese credit union outperforms mega-banks by lending to geisha and local startups
Good article introducing the real credit baseed lending to smaller borrowers.
Japan's Mitsubishi, U.S. partner to invest $1.8 billion in data centers: media
Not only in Japan, asset ownership is becoming a very big theme. Real Estate is one of the oldest asset, but currently tend to be classified as alternatives. Should be one of the core asset classes.