- 2017/01/16
- IMF raises 2017 growth forecast for Japan to 0.8%, says U.S. will grow 2.3%
Not only the absolute levels, but the level of changes shall be - 2017/01/16
- BOJ offers brighter view on regional Japan economies
Relationships between regional cmpanies and regional banks might be the next focus. - 2017/01/15
- Indonesia sees Japan as model for infrastructure development
- 2017/01/09
- Japan’s zero growth nightmare
Cultural aspects had not been discussed enough on Japanese produictivity problem. - 2017/01/02
- Japan encourages stressed workers to finish early on last Friday of the month
- 2017/01/02
- Japan to embark on work-hour reform after Dentsu worker's suicide
- 2016/12/30
- Japan’s Latest Scheme to Reduce Working Hours Is Essentially Meaningless