HC Picks Category: 05 Policy (BOJ)

Japan's regulators boost scrutiny of financial firms' foreign assets
Dissenting voice on BOJ board calls for preemptive monetary easing
BOJ policymaker warns about the dangers of more easing, hinting at rift on board
Japan's negative interest rates may have backfired: Fed paper
"Why would households spend more money when they cannot even expect fair interest income."
Japan's regulatory chief urges BOJ to consider impact of easing on banks
"Flat yield-curve means zero time- value, means no more need for banking service !?"
In wake of uproar over pension system, Japan to draw up fresh report on post-retirement financing
"The intention of the report was to tell people an extra 20m yen will make peoples' life richer. It was strange for opposition parties to regard this as a political issue."
The Bank of Japan risks falling out of sync on global easing
"Households are worried about VAT increase in a zero interest rate environment. Further stimulus look to have no impact."
Time to Relent on 2%? Japan Debates Inflation Target
The future of monetary policy comes to Washington
"Well, US has huge retail purchasing power from DC plan. Would advise US to consider the cons of central bank eliminating liquidity."
Japan's core inflation hits two-year low, might push BOJ to ease again soon
Key Note Address by Commissioner Toshihide Endo Financial Services Agency ICGN Annual Conference 2019, July 16, 2019
"This is an easy to read summary of what JFSA is trying to achieve. It is great if companies' well managed pension funds get high respect, both for being influencial asset owners but also for being respoinsible for longer lifes. "