J-REIT: Issuance of Investment Corporation Bonds J-REIT >Nomura Real Estate Master Fund's announcement Nomura Real Estate Master Fund, Inc. announced that it has decided to issue investment corp… 2018-05-18 Investment in Japan J-REIT: Issuance of Investment Corporation Bonds J-REIT >Nippon Building Fund's announcement Nippon Building Fund, Inc.("NBF") hereby provides notice of its decision on May 16, 2018 to issue inve… 2018-05-17 Investment in Japan J-REIT: Issuance of Investment Corporation Bonds J-REIT >Japan Real Estate Investment Corporation's announcement Announcement is hereby made that Japan Real Estate Investment Corporation made a c… 2018-05-16 Investment in Japan HC Picks 166 Policies and business activities related to Japan investment opportunities Japan Catches Up With Shipping Consolidation "Wonder whether their next s… 2018-05-16 Akane Hashimoto J-REIT: Issuance of New Investment Units, Acquisition of Property and Sale of Properties J-REIT >Kenedix Office Investment Corporation's announcement① Kenedix Office Investment Corporation (“the Investment Corporation”) today announced… 2018-05-15 Investment in Japan J-REIT: Acquisition of Real Estate Trust Beneficiaries in Japan J-REIT >MIRAI Corporation's announcement① Mitsui Bussan & IDERA Partners Co., Ltd., the asset management company of MIRAI Corporation announce… 2018-05-10 Investment in Japan Private Equity In Japan: Announcement of Acquisition of CREAM by JC Holdings Co., Ltd. Private Equity In Japan >J-STAR's announcement JC Holdings Co., Ltd. ("JCHD") has acquired 100% shares of C.R.E.A.M Co., Ltd. (Head office: Meguro… 2018-05-09 Investment in Japan HC Picks 165 Policies and business activities related to Japan investment opportunities Regulatory battle heats up over future of Japan's regional banks "Can Fai… 2018-05-09 Akane Hashimoto JAPAN-REIT: New Loan and Interest Rate Swap J-REIT >Ichigo Office REIT's announcement Ichigo Office decided today to borrow funds via a new loan (“Term Loan XI”) and to enter into an interes… 2018-05-08 Investment in Japan Private Equity In Japan: NH-3 to Receive 6 Billion Yen Investment from SMRJ Private Equity in Japan >New Horizon Capital's announcement New Horizon Capital Co., Ltd., a leading independent private equity fund, announced to… 2018-05-02 Investment in Japan «1…3536373839…70»