Blackstone goes public with bid for Japanese hotelier Unizo

October 16, 2019
by Akane Hashimoto

HC Picks

Blackstone goes public with bid for Japanese hotelier Unizo

>“Anyone can purchase shares of a publicly listed company. This is what public means.”

SoftBank seeks control of WeWork through financing package: source

>“Would SoftBank support until We Work get to a dominant share office provider? “

Top shareholder in Japan’s Unizo wants explanation after $1.3 billion U-turn

>“One of typical bank related company governance issues. They need to be punnished by losing support from shareholders and creditors.”

#Governance / Stewardship / Fiduciary

Japan’s first zero-rate corporate bond on the way from Toyota unit

 >“Zero may be better than negative, but how would bond issuance cost be justified?”


Finding Meaning in Quantitative Easing 

# Policy(BOJ)