August 7, 2019
by Akane Hashimoto
by Akane Hashimoto
-Policies and business activities related to Japan investment opportunities-
Policy (BOJ)
・In wake of uproar over pension system, Japan to draw up fresh report on post-retirement financing
“The intention of the report was to tell people an extra 20m yen will make peoples’ life richer. It was strange for opposition parties to regard this as a political issue.”
・The Bank of Japan risks falling out of sync on global easing
“Households are worried about VAT increase in a zero interest rate environment. Further stimulus look to have no impact.”
・Japanese Banks Are Circling the Drain
“FSA commissioner Mr. Endo is encouraging regional banks to consider sustainable business plan in this environment. Which means, regional banks had not done enything for the last decades.”
Governance / Stewardship / Fiduciary
・Japan Post Group’s corporate governance seriously deficient
“This is serious. When Japan Post Group got public, most stocks were distributed to elder people. Need to clarify why this happened, and how they would review employee incentives.”
・Japan as No. 1: The 21st-century version
“I would recommend this article to all Japanese workforce.”