by Akane Hashimoto
Period : December 28, 2021 – January 3, 2022
Category : [Other] [Economy] [Policy (BOJ)] [Business] [Market]
–Policies and business activities related to Japan investment opportunities-
● Top 10 Japanese news stories of 2021
> “To summarize. Sports look to be an important activity for all nations.”
● 84% of firms in Japan see economic growth in 2022
> “Recovery from pandemic may be one of the reasons, but transformation to new life style and environmental friendly world should require a lot of investments.”
● Bank of Japan owns 60% of locally listed ETF, ETP assets
● One country is home to half of the 10 most expensive Michelin-starred restaurants in the world
> “Expensive meal does not make sense in this environment, but worth experiencing good service.”
● Japan Year-End Amount of Bank Notes Hits Another Record High
> “Japanese are used to save money and live with no dependent on growth.”
● Nikkei marks best year-end close since 1980s bubble
> “Growth without bubble mindset should be ideal.”