Why robots are trusted more than people at financial institutions Under the FSA's customer-oriented approach, when offering investment trusts, financial institutions are supposed to have an understanding of their cus… 2021-10-18 Noriyuki Morimoto No customer tells the bank the truth Suppose you have a small sum of money on deposit, and the bank asks whether you have a particular purpose for it, no one will give a straight answer. … 2021-08-23 Noriyuki Morimoto The Financial Services Agency’s questions are orders While the Financial Services Agency (FSA) states the importance of dialogue with financial institutions, given its position as supervisory authority w… 2021-08-10 Noriyuki Morimoto The Meaning of Corporate in Corporate Finance Finance typically means finance for corporations, or corporate finance. Now, a company that raises funds has a purpose, or an object, for using those … 2020-03-30 Noriyuki Morimoto Stocks and risk finance Finance typically means finance for corporations, or corporate finance. Now, a company that raises funds has a purpose, or an object, for using those … 2020-02-03 Noriyuki Morimoto Towards the real purpose of finance In finance, if you are determined to truly cater to the needs of customers, you would ultimately go back to the purpose of financing. For instance,… 2020-01-06 Noriyuki Morimoto From lending money to lending goods When it comes to bank loans, if banks are to ensure that they truly meet the customer’s needs, they will ultimately have to revisit the purpose of the… 2019-12-02 Noriyuki Morimoto Bushido and the Death of Banks A bank is defined to be a bank by accepting deposits. Without those deposits, banks cease to exist. The deposit function bundles payment and saving fu… 2017-04-17 Noriyuki Morimoto Mr. Aso’s Dodgy Classmates Who Worked in Securities Firms Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso recently made a remark on the Japanese citizens’ general view of securities, saying “There’s a perception that investin… 2016-12-05 Noriyuki Morimoto «12