Investing isn’t risk-taking, it’s chance-taking Since risk is just a synonym of uncertainty, investment risk is, on the one hand, the possibility of loss, but on the other hand, it is the chance or … 2024-12-09 Noriyuki Morimoto Unexplainable anxiety and conservative investing An investment is a calculation of the value of an asset based on conservative assumptions and reasonable estimation techniques. Investment is an analy… 2023-05-01 Noriyuki Morimoto Do not profit from the loss of others In the world of investment, there is talk about beating or losing to a market index. But the sum of winning and losing is theoretically zero as the di… 2022-10-03 Noriyuki Morimoto Investment is fundamentally different from speculation What separates investment from speculation is rationality of judgment and conservatism. But investment can easily fall into speculation, as it is much… 2022-05-02 Noriyuki Morimoto If you protect the fruit trees, they will naturally produce fruit In dairy, keeping cows is for the aim of milking them. Cows amount to fruit trees and milk to fruit. Dairy farmers take good care of cows in the same … 2021-02-22 Noriyuki Morimoto The Achilles and tortoise paradox The impossibility of Achilles to catch up with the tortoise, or the arrow to reach its target, represents a well-known paradox in the history of philo… 2020-07-06 Noriyuki Morimoto Even if Japan collapses, life goes on for the Japanese Du Fu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty in China, wrote: The city has fallen; only the hills and rivers remain. But hills and rivers cannot be eaten. Even i… 2019-05-07 Noriyuki Morimoto Buridan’s Ass and Innovation in Management Jean Buridan was a 14th century French philosopher whose name remains in the famous philosophical paradox called Buridan’s Ass. Imagine two identic… 2016-02-29 Noriyuki Morimoto The day the rate of profit falls to zero Needless to quote Marx, the capitalist economy system entails a fundamental dilemma: capital accumulation itself brings down the rate of profit. This … 2015-12-07 Noriyuki Morimoto The Philosophy of Fukushima On 11 March 2011, a massive earthquake and tsunami hit the Tohoku region. Did this an open a chasm beyond the reach of human reasoning? Is it a chasm … 2015-11-09 Noriyuki Morimoto 12»